An Ode to Christmas 1952 Submitted by Al Bradbury
On the shores of the faraway Japanese Sea
Was a little Korean town called SocChoRi
It's inhabitants were mainly fishermen
And a group of Dorean MP militiamen
Besides thes there was a sall group of others
Known as the Detachment D band of Brothers
Our numbers were few our mission very succinct
To monitor the enemy's communications link
Both friend and foe by armistice came to agree
THat Christmas Eve would become fire-free
Our routine didn't change much on special Eve
But for the fighting troops a night of reprieve
In our little Detachment D all the tents were in a row
And like ti's supposed to it began with light snow
Sal was in his long johns by our little pot belly stove
Drying his stockings as that day they would be froze
Over in the corner sat yound Danny "Hoot" Valletta
Polishing and shining his 15 shot 9mm secret beretta
The "Preacher" was talking with Bethel"Bubba" Brown
Remembering Christmas past in their own littlet town
H. Francis McMillan and T. Rockingham Moore
Served cookies from home as hard as the floor
When what to our wondering eyes should appear
A Wolf..two Moose..but not a single raindeer
Bakker Tare Wold fna Moose Parker came to the door
Along with W.W.Moose Miller a resident of tent four
Homer Johns, Jake Moreland and Ross Cooper came to preach
As did Joe Weber, Rich Ramsay, and young Chauncey Reich
Ed "The quiet man" Kociba and dashing Robert Cavanaugh
Dick Johnson,Norbert Jay, and Ed Steel provided the laughter
Sgt. "Skosh"Kramer smuggled in the contraband Budweiser
Drawn from his 12 year in the Army, he was older and wiser
Entertainment was provided by our own M.C.,Ray Gallagher
Featuring "Bugsy" Carr and the intrepid Norman "Buzz" Barger
Te be sure, others were there, bus alas my memory has faded
And some of my coents...well..may be somewhat jaded
But one thing for sure, on that Christmas Eve of 1952
Is cherishing the friendships that I made with each of you
Before I end this message, a quip from this months Reader's Digest
Adaughter was concerned that her Dad's mind was slipping faster
And faster... dDad's response was don't be concerned, there is a
Bright side to everything, like now I can hide my own EasterEggs!
To each and everyone of my brother's in arms I wish you and your
Families a healthy,happy, and joyous Holiday Seasons and Don't
Forget our obligations to today's troops as they are deployed around
The globe,Remember them in a prayer every day like those that
Prayed for us during our time of duty.
Al Bradbury - ASA Korea - Dec. 2004